The Hierophant

Next in the line of majors is the Hierophant, according to the online ‘a person who interprets and explains esoteric mysteries”  I feel this card connects us with our desires to understand the universe in a deeper way below the surface of society.  The desire we have to know the creator, the desire that... Continue Reading →

The Emperor

The Emperor is the next card in the deck, the Emperor is all about bringing order to the chaos, control and organisation…  If you thinking these cards are flip-flopping being male and female, energy and order / chaos - you’d be right! We are moving with these cards on the tree of life as they... Continue Reading →

The Empress

Lying back in a field of flowers surrounded by the lushness of summer, the Empress is in the early days of her pregnancy. She is serene and beautiful the very image of Venus the goddess of love. It's pretty wonderful right.... Sorry to say this is all about to change, I don’t want to put... Continue Reading →

The High Priestess

The last card - the Magician is high energy and will - it’s a doing card and making things happen card. By contrast the next card the High Priestess is almost withdrawal from the outside world, they are focused on the inner working of the soul, or being. Higher Learning and spirituality is highlighted. In... Continue Reading →

The Magus or Magician

Continuing our exploration of the Major Arcana this Card numbered 1 is actually the second card in the deck The chaos of the Fool’s no plan approach starts to take form into some real creative impetus - the Magician is a creative and uses his or her will to bring ideas from the mind into... Continue Reading →

Exploring the Major Arcana

So I wanted to do some posts about the Major arcana, the first 22 Cards of the deck. Like everyone seems to do on their sites. I know it's the same old boring same but hear me out 🙂 Basically the tarot is 78 card which is structure in two parts 22 major cards and... Continue Reading →

Myths about tarot:

So there's a lot of misinformation out there about the tarot, what it is and what it can do. Who should read it and how they should do it. There are even folk who will gatekeep the community saying - only such and such type of people can read... you can only read if you... Continue Reading →

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